Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Make a NO SEW Fitted Crib Sheet

70" x 45" Fabric (rectangle looking)
Hot glue gun
Hot glue sticks
Needle and Thread (optional)
2 rolls of elastic (width of your choice)

Before starting you must PRE WASH your fabric. This is a MUST!! Not optional =)

Remove a 9" square from each corner of your 70" x 45" rectangle of fabric.

Hand sew the corners ONLY on dotted (right sides together making it look inside out) as shown. I sew twice here, as these are the pressure points that need to withstand wear and tear when you take the sheets on and off the mattress. Instead of sewing you can hot glue but use a decent amount.

Now, fold up your edge and hot glue all the way around the crib sheet making a seam all the way around. This doesn't have to be perfect, this part of the sheet will be tucked under the mattress never to be seen.

Then place hot glue on the back of elastic about 2 inches worth in length. Now quickly (before glue dries) stretch out your elastic while you are placing it down on the seam you just made. Repeat all the way around. Remember you are doing this on the back side of the sheet, not the side that will be for display. See Photo.

If you run out of elastic just cut some more and continue until you have finished =)

It sounds complicated and maybe even looks, but it is super easy. If you are wondering how good this will hold...we are potty training an have washed this sheet many, many, many times and still nothing has come undone =)


  1. Do you have pics of this sheet on the bed?

  2. Hi Amanda and yes I do! =) I can upload a picture for you =)
