Sunday, September 25, 2011

Homemade Chicken Broth

Chicken Carcass
Onion Peels, Onion Ends
Carrot Peels, Carrot Ends
Bell Pepper Ends

When I often make a whole chicken in the crockpot I save the carcass. I will take whats left of the chicken out of the crockpot and put it away. I then place all of the veggies listed in the crockpot. So basically anything you would generally throw away SAVE =) I keep a zip lock bag in our fridge with onion ends, carrot peels and so on. The only thing I do not save is potato peels. You don't want those because they will give your broth a dirt flavor.

Throw everything in the crockpot and fill it up with water until it's about 2/3's full. Scrape the bottom of the crockpot with a spoon to make sure you loosen up all of the chicken drippings. Sprinkle salt, pepper and Italian Seasoning in. Place the lid on and set on Low overnight for 8-10 hours.

In the morning drain through a sieve, place broth in container and freeze. Ta-Dah!!! Homemade chicken broth =)

Broths in the store 1) are too expensive and 2) contain lots of added additives.

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